
January 2010 – July 14, 2024.

In January of 2010 I went to the shelter to adopt a dog. I picked this little villain. Turns out he was a shelter Angel dog and his adoption fee had been pre paid by an anonymous donor.

He came home with me and was the biggest mischief maker I’d ever met. I named him Waffles. It was a goofball name for a goofball dog. I used to crate him and when I’d let him out I’d say “release the Kraken!!!”

He was bff’s with my Ariel cat. They used to run through the house in a tumbling ball of fur. Once he climbed on the counter and got the water bottle that I used to squirt him and chewed it into little tiny bits. His tail ALWAYS wagged. When I picked him up at the shelter it wagged. I swear it wagged when he was asleep. It was blurry in every picture of him because it never stopped wagging. We used to say he must have strong butt muscles from all that wagging.

He had a mix of chihuahua and wiener dog. He was a Chiweenie. He had one chihuahua ear and one dachshund ear. That means one ear stood up and the other went down. I used to always tell him to put his ear down. But that ear never went down. It just didn’t fold that way.

He was smart and clever but he used his smarts for evil. I could never keep him in a harness. He was a Houdini who could get out of anything. I took him to a dog event once and he slipped out of his harness. I thought he was gone for good. Imagine my embarrassment and surprise when the event announcer held him up and said “did anyone lose their dog?”

He ran a 5K with me. Once he got to go stay in a hotel in Laughlin and sleep in the hotel bed.

He was underfoot all the time. So much so that he got stepped on once and broke his toenail off at the paw. He spent a week in the cone of shame.

He outlived his dog sister Karma. She was younger than him. He had almost three months of being the top dog he just had to outlive all the others.

But age creeps up on us all and he’s been deteriorating for a while.

Today he crossed the Rainbow Bridge. Or as Dr. Toby the vet said “Waffles has his wings”.

I enjoyed having that villain around for almost 15 years. I hope he gets to go and make lots of mischief at the Bridge.

Waffles, look out for Karma and Ariel. They should be there waiting.

Rest in Peace, my villain.

01/01/2010 – 07/14/2024

Anya Sanko
Las Vegas, NV

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