Our beloved cat Quincy was inquisitive, smart, loving, as well as being regal and majestic. People always ooh-ed and ahh-ed when they saw him. He loved his water fountain, pets, and being combed! He had sweet and beautiful pink toes and pink nose. He especially loved to play with string. Quincy also "talked a lot", his sweet meow is enshrined in our memories. We even have a video where he is feeding himself with his front paw (hand to mouth). Our darling boy was with us more than 17 years, and so our hearts have a sadness amidst the joy and blessing of having Quincy as an integral part of our daily lives for so long. Some say that pain is a side effect of love when it comes time to say goodbye, we have found this to be true. We are so very grateful to have loved and been loved by this precious animal.

07/11/2023 – 11/03/2023

Karin and Michael Anderson
North Las Vegas NV

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