Ivan Perry (also known as Ivy, Ivinksi Skavinki Skava, Dr. Ivan Spaceman, Bean, and so many others.) There are no words to say what the past 20 years with him have meant to us. Ivan was stubborn, sweet, devoted and social. In his youth, he loved to wander the neighborhood and bring us fresh crows, birds, and mice to show us his skill and contribution to the family. It was both a frightening yet honorable gift. He had his best friend, Star, who left us about three years ago. She was his greatest companion and the sassiest, smartest, and most beautiful girl. He loved her deeply. They would run around the house, crash landing on the piano, tearing up the carpets, and wreaking havoc all night long. Their countless adventures together are forever in our memories and hearts. For his entire life, Ivan sat at the table with us for dinner, and that spoke to exactly who Ivan was-a family man. He loved his family more than anything and we loved him right back. He became a friend to every person he met. He made us laugh with his funny personality, and to the very end, comforted us through the hard times. Although our hearts are broken, we are comforted by the fact that his sweet soul is free and reunited with his best friend. Ivan was a gift and it was our deepest pride and greatest honor to be his family. We miss you.
Gina, Don, and Olivia.

01/24/2003 – 12/07/2023

Gina Perry
Las Vegas, NV

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