Halo literally walked into my life on December 04, 2014. I was leaving food out for a skittish abandoned pup for about a week prior to her finally approaching me on Dec. 04th. It happened to be a rainy day and she startled me in the garage. She instantly wanted to play after getting dried off a bit. It was about a weeks time through the adoption process to call her officially mine, but we had become so close by then, I remember that being a long week. She was soft, strong, and independent from a young age but still kept her playful puppy will up until the end. I came to find out the "who rescued who" was very true as she arrived at the most critical moments in my 30's and I will always be grateful for her choosing me.
Special thanks to Dr. Alyssa Watson/Nevada Pet Hospice for squeezing us in last minute and making her transition as best as I could ever have asked for.
12/04/2014 – 05/30/2023
Brenton Ho
Las Vegas