19 years ago I was out on my morning walk and this young kitty came out from a bush to say hello. I gave her a pet and continued on my walk only to notice I had a friend following me for 2 miles. I had to return home to get ready for work. So upon returning home I gave her food and water on my back porch and went off to start my day. When I got home I was hoping kitty went on her way but when I got out of my car I heard mew mews coming from my yard. She waited all day for me to return home. I set up a little shelter for her in a empty garden cart for her as we had thunderstorms nightly. She was very afraid and cried all thru the night. I had 2 cats in my house and couldn't bring her in until I had her checked out by a doctor. So I did.
Only to find out she was pregnant! Oh no!! I can't take in a pregnant kitty. What will I do? Well thanks to my local vet, they offered to keep her until she had and weaned her kittens. They would find homes for the kittens and then I could keep Cosmo. Great! She was such a good mama and became the resident kitty at the animal hospital roaming freely throughout the days and nights. After about 3 months I brought my Cosmo to her new home. She was the best cat ever and should I say I did not adopt her she adopted me! I will miss her for sure. But she was loved from the minute we met on my morning walk until she parted with us on this 19 year journey together. Rest in peace my sweet angel. I love you.

09/27/2003 – 09/28/2022

Denise Oliver
Las Vegas

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